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Cy3-UTP(10mM) 抑胃肽酶液 PERFEMIKER AuroraGel 标准型基质胶,不含LDEV
光引发剂LAP 人工胃液 1%柠檬酸钠缓冲液 Salkowskis比色液 人工脑脊液(aCSF,无菌)
【用途一】 主要用于阿米卡星及氨基酸的合成脱水,是一种很好的低温生化脱水剂
【用途二】 用作生化试剂和有机合成脱水缩合剂 【用途三】 用于阿米卡星及氨基酸的合成脱水,是一种很好的低温生化脱水剂,也用于酸、酐、醛、酮等的合成。在日本,用于谷胱甘肽的脱水剂,占总消费的90%。该品作为脱水缩合剂时,可在常温下经短时间反应即成,反应后产物为二环己基脲。由于该产物在有机溶剂中溶解度很小,所以反应产物易于分离;同时,由于该品很难溶于水,因此即使是在水溶液中,反应仍然可以进行下去。该品还用于肽、核酸的合成,使用本品可以在室温下很容易由具有游离羧基的化合物和具有游离氨基的化合物合成肽,并且收率很高。用于生产增血压素、环磷酸腺苷。 【用途四】 脱氢偶联试剂,修饰小牛心线粒体脱氢转移酶;抑制F1F0-ATPase和其它的质子转移酶。 多肽合成试剂。
Amelioration of radiation-induced oral cavity mucositis and distant bone marrow suppression in fanconi anemia Fancd2-/- (FVB/N) mice by intraoral GS-nitroxide JP4-039.
Hebist Berhane, Ashwin Shinde, Ronny Kalash, Karen Xu, Michael W Epperly, Julie Goff, Darcy Franicola, Xichen Zhang, Tracy Dixon, Donna Shields, Hong Wang, Peter Wipf, Song Li, Xiang Gao, Joel S Greenberger
文献索引:Radiat. Res. 182(1) , 35-49, (2014)
The altered DNA damage response pathway in patients with Fanconi anemia (FA) may increase the toxicity of clinical radiotherapy. We quantitated oral cavity mucositis in irradiated Fanconi anemia Fancd2(-/-) mice, comparing this to Fancd2(+/-) and Fancd2(+/+) mice, and we measured distant bone marrow suppression and quantitated the effect of the intraoral radioprotector GS-nitroxide, JP4-039 in F15 emulsion. We found that FA mice were more susceptible to radiation injury and that protection from radiation injury by JP4-039/F15 was observed at all radiation doses. Adult 10-12-week-old mice, of FVB/N background Fancd2(-/-), Fancd2(+/-) and Fancd2(+/+) were head and neck irradiated with 24, 26, 28 or 30 Gy (large fraction sizes typical of stereotactic radiosurgery treatments) and subgroups received intraoral JP4-039 (0.4 mg/mouse in 100 μL F15 liposome emulsion) preirradiation. On day 2 or 5 postirradiation, mice were sacrificed, tongue tissue and femur marrow were excised for quantitation of radiation-induced stress response, inflammatory and antioxidant gene transcripts, histopathology and assay for femur marrow colony-forming hematopoietic progenitor cells. Fancd2(-/-) mice had a significantly higher percentage of oral mucosal ulceration at day 5 after 26 Gy irradiation (59.4 ± 8.2%) compared to control Fancd2(+/+) mice (21.7 ± 2.9%, P = 0.0063). After 24 Gy irradiation, Fancd2(-/-) mice had a higher oral cavity percentage of tongue ulceration compared to Fancd2(+/+) mice irradiated with higher doses of 26 Gy (P = 0.0123). Baseline and postirradiation oral cavity gene transcripts were altered in Fancd2(-/-) mice compared to Fancd2(+/+) controls. Fancd2(-/-) mice had decreased baseline femur marrow CFU-GM, BFUe and CFU-GEMM, which further decreased after 24 or 26 Gy head and neck irradiation. These changes were not seen in head- and neck-irradiated Fancd2(+/+) mice. In radiosensitive Fancd2(-/-) mice, biomarkers of both local oral cavity and distant marrow radiation toxicity were ameliorated by intraoral JP4-039/F15. We propose that Fancd2(-/-) mice are a valuable radiosensitive animal model system, which can be used to evaluate potential radioprotective agents.
Cyclohexanamine, N-(cyclohexylcarbonimidoyl)-、N,N'-Methanetetraylbiscyclohexanamine、EINECS 208-704-1、N,N‘-Dicyclohexylcarbodimide、Methanediimine, N,N'-dicyclohexyl-、dicyclohexylcarbodiimide、dicyclohexyl-carbodiimide、Dicyclimide